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Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Ideas for a fast and healthy breakfast

How can I prepare a healthy and quick breakfast myself? We’ll show you why Porridge is the perfect healthy breakfast, how to prepare it quickly and the advantages of the overnight oats. We also reveal various toppings that will spice up your porridge and make it even better.

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Local berries: Where do these tasty little fruits actually come from?

Whether in muesli, porridge or just as a snack: you surely have already eaten local berries. In almost every healthy breakfast you can find these small fruits. After all, local fruits offer many advantages und you can use them in many different ways. But why exactly are local berries so popular and what benefits do they really have?

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

What you should know about berries

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants and cranberries – are they all the same or are there any differences? We will get to the bottom of this and clarify what to consider when buying berries. We will also explain why berries are good for health in general and for memory and heart in particular.

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

5 nuts, 5 reasons – nut varieties at a glance

Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, peanuts – there really is a large selection of nuts and there is a nut for every taste. Nuts are excellent sources of nutrients – not only do they provide us with healthy fats, but they also supply us with plenty of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

These healthy fatty acids are contained in nuts

Nuts are often called fatteners and calorie bombs. This is mainly due to the fact that nuts contain a relatively large amount of fat, on average between 50g and 75g fat per 100g. However, not all fat is bad. There are different types of fatty acids and they all have a different effect on our […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How valuable are almonds for your nutrition

Among the various nuts, the almond is a real superfood with its valuable ingredients. As they contain many important vitamins, fibres and nutrients, almonds are very healthy and should not be missing in a balanced diet. In this article you will learn why you should definitely include the nuts in your diet, what positive effects […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Is muesli healthy for the gut?

Muesli is simply part of a healthy breakfast. But why is muesli healthy and how good is it for my digestion? You can find answers to these questions and delicious recipes in this article.

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Healthy breakfast – tips if you have an allergy

If you suffer from an allergy, it is not always easy to find products that are well tolerated. Whether lactose or gluten intolerance – finding alternatives is not always easy. Especially if, at the same time, you want to pay attention to a healthy diet.

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How many nuts am I allowed to eat?

Nuts, such as cashews, almonds and hazelnuts, are extremely healthy and should definitely be included in your diet. They can be snacked as a whole or used as an ingredient in dishes such as muesli, porridge or salad. But how many nuts are you actually allowed to eat and what is the best way to […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Which nut is the right one for me?

Apart from their taste and shape, nuts can be distinguished mainly by their ingredients. Nuts contain many vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. The different compositions of nutrients have different effects on the body. In this article you can find out which advantages each nut brings and how you can use the nutrients of nuts for yourself. In […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Weight loss

Changing your diet: This is how it works in the long term!

Anyone who has ever tried to gain new energy, live healthier and perhaps even lose a few kilos through changing the diet knows that it is not so easy to continue with healthy eating habits in the long term.  You really want to succeed, and you have overcome the first hurdle, but in the end […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Regional nuts – these nut varieties grow in Austria and Germany

In recent years, they have probably become one of the most important components of the breakfast menu. They are delicious, healthy and easy to process. We are talking about nuts. There are several different types of nuts – you will never get bored, as there is a wide selection to choose from. Especially for breakfast nuts are […]

Nutrition, Recipes

The protein contained in nuts

Nuts used to have a bad reputation and were said to be too fat and high in calories for a healthy diet. But this has now changed. Nuts are now considered an important part of a healthy diet, partly because of their high protein content. In this blog post you can find out what proteins actually […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The three Ayurveda types – which one are you?

Those who study Ayurveda a little bit definitely come across them: The three Ayurveda types (Doshas) Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The so-called Doshas are the three life energies that are present in every organism. Each of them is responsible for certain body functions. Furthermore, the presence of each of the three Doshas in us indicates what constitution type we are. Are you more the […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

9 reasons: That’s why cashew nuts are so healthy

Cashews are a real calorie bomb with almost 600 calories per 100 grams. Nevertheless, they are a popular snack for in between meals – and that’s a good thing, because the nuts are very healthy. Despite their high calorie content, cashews are considered a true superfood and are therefore an important part of a balanced […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

These nutritional values are contained in nuts

Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts, peanuts, pecans – there really is a large selection of nuts and there is something for every taste. Each nut is different and contains different nutrients. That’s why the nutritional values vary from nut to nut. In this article we will give you an overview of the […]

Nutrition, Weight loss

Lose weight with nuts

Nuts used to have a bad reputation and were said to be too fat and high in calories for a healthy diet. But this has now changed. If you want to lose weight without starving, you should go for almonds, cashews and other nuts. In this blog post you will learn why nuts are healthy and why, […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Storing food correctly – this is how it’s done

Storing food properly – a topic that many people think about. After all, the correct storage of products for daily use is important to preserve their shelf life. The better you store food, the longer you can use it. With storing food the right way regional products are available to you regardless of the season. Every […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

6 reasons why almonds are healthy

Almonds are not only healthy, we would even call them superfood. They are full of important nutrients, keep you young and are also considered a secret weapon for losing weight. And because they support our health in so many ways, we love to use almonds in our mueslis, porridges and crunchies. We have collected 6 good […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

This is why walnuts are a healthy superfood for you and your brain

Not only does the walnut look similar to the human brain, it is also extremely good for it and its performance. Just like other nuts, such as almonds or hazelnuts, the walnut is rich in important nutrients and healthy fatty acids. Therefore, nuts should be an integral part of a healthy diet. In this blog […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Muscle building, Nutrition

Nuts and their nutrients – find out why they are so healthy

Nuts are excellent sources of nutrients – not only do they provide us with healthy fats, they also supply us with plenty of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. They should therefore not be missing in any nutritional plan. Nevertheless, many people label them as calorie bombs and avoid them in their diet in order to […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

7 reasons why hazelnuts are healthy

Hazelnuts have become an indispensable part of cooking and baking. Biscuits, cakes, chocolate, spread or ice cream – and all that without hazelnuts? Well, we can’t imagine a life without hazelnuts. Could you? The good news- you don’t have to.

Nutrition, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

What is healthier- vegetables or fruit?

According to the Austrian Society for Nutrition, one should ideally eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Some people tend to eat fruit, others prefer to eat more vegetables to cover their daily needs. But what is really healthier, and should one eat more of – fruit or vegetables?

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Lactose intolerance – all you need to know about it

“I am lactose intolerant” – surely almost everyone has heard this sentence already. And it makes sense. Because the number of people with lactose intolerance is constantly increasing. In German-speaking countries, about 15 percent of the population cannot tolerate lactose at all or only in small quantities. Worldwide it is an incredible number of 75 […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Everything you need to know about peanuts

More than 40 million tons of peanuts are harvested annually. Whether pure, salted or in the form of peanut butter, probably just about everyone has already enjoyed this food. But did you know that, strictly speaking, the peanut is not even considered as a nut? Find out in this blog post what else there is to know, […]

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

What to do when your muesli is expired!

The best before date, or BBD for short, has always been a major issue in people’s minds. What happens if the date is exceeded? Will I get sick from expired food? Many people ask themselves these questions every day. But what about muesli and other breakfast products? And even more precisely: what is it like […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The almond – a small all-rounder with great effect

Whether brown, blanched, roasted, as slivers, flakes or whole. With their sweet, mild taste, almonds are popular with many people. But what makes the almond such a multi-talent? How is it grown and where does the almond come from?

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Cashews – that’s why they are considered a true superfood

No wonder cashews are so popular, not only do they taste great, but they are also a real brain food. In trail mixes for immediate snacking, as a topping on your breakfast or for cooking and baking – cashews are versatile and very healthy thanks to the multitude of minerals and vitamins. As with many […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The hazelnut: a nut to go nuts for

In this blog post you will learn everything you need to know about hazelnuts. Find out what nutritional values the hazelnut has, where it comes from, how healthy it is and in which recipes it is used. Learn about the handling of the nut and why it is the perfect food for your brain and nerves. Find out […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How healthy is it really to be a vegetarian?

Being a vegetarian and still being healthy? Yeah, that is possible. However, the myth that a meatless diet causes many deficiency symptoms and is therefore unhealthy is still persistent. In fact, vegetarians are statistically healthier than meat eaters. The most important thing is to eat a balanced diet, whether with or without meat. Find out […]

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