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Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Do Chia Seeds Have Side Effects?

They offer many health benefits and are therefore considered a superfood. But do the small black seeds have side effects in addition to their numerous positive properties? Find out more in this article.

Nutrition, Recipes

10 tips on how to produce less waste

We all know that it is important for the environment to avoid waste. What sounds complicated, however, is actually not. In this blog post we will introduce you to simple methods of how you can produce less waste without much effort and thus do something good for the environment. 1. Use up leftovers Did you […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Good or bad carbohydrates – how to tell the difference

Nowadays carbohydrates are often seen as something negative and are labelled as “fattening”. However, this is a very one-sided view, because carbohydrates are an important energy supplier for the human body. However, a distinction between healthy and unhealthy carbohydrates should be made. In this blog post we will not only review the most important facts […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Everything you need to know about fibre

At first, fibre may sound like something negative for many people. But this is not the case at all. It has been known for many years that they are part of a balanced and healthy diet. This was not always the case: not so long ago, dietary fibres were considered worthless, as they were supposedly […]

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Are oats really gluten-free?

When you research about the superfood oats, you will inevitably come across the question of whether or not oats contain gluten. Opinions differ on this question and there are various articles about this topic online. Especially for people who suffer from gluten intolerance, also called celiac disease, it is important to know which grain products […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

TCM and Ayurveda in comparison – what they have in common!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM for short, it is Yin and Yang, in Ayurveda there are the three doshas. Sometimes one outweighs the other and vice versa. Although the philosophy of the two health systems may sound very different at first glance, they have some things in common. Both teachings hold the view that body […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Low carb diet – dangerous or reasonable?

Whether as a diet to lose a few kilos or as a long-term nutritional concept, everyone is talking about low carb. However, the approach requires that people take a close look at their diet in order to avoid negative effects on their health. That is why a low-carbohydrate lifestyle is probably not suitable for everyone. […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Flaxseeds: the little miracle seeds

Flaxseeds are currently very popular. Flaxseeds are used universally – whether for a healthy breakfast or other foods, they are added everywhere. Linseeds are now traded as a regional superfood – due to the nutritional hype of recent years, flaxseeds are being sold and used more and more. Many people benefit from this – including […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Weight loss

Our diet determines our weight – is this true?

Whether you gain or lose weight is not only determined by your calorie balance or sports routine, but by a combination of several factors. Some of these are genetic and cannot be influenced, others depend on your lifestyle and diet. However, by choosing the right food you can control your hormone balance and thus you […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes

The original Bircher muesli recipe

The original Bircher Muesli – an old classic that should not be missed on the breakfast table! The muesli lovers among you know what we mean. The Bircher muesli is not only extremely healthy, but also super delicious. It is very easy to prepare, and you will certainly succeed even if you are not a […]

Fitness, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Sport, Weight loss

Is exercise enough to lose weight?

Almost everyone probably knows how it feels like to not be completely comfortable in his or her skin and to have the desire to lose some weight. Since it is not so easy for everyone to change the diet from one day to the next or to do without their beloved chocolate bar or chip […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Daily carbohydrate requirement – how much am I allowed to eat?

Carbohydrates are an important energy supplier for our body. Nevertheless, in various diets they are considered as supposed fatteners. Whether or not you can eat them without hesitation is mainly dependent on the type of carbohydrates with which you cover your daily requirements. While some serve as an energy supplier for vital body functions and […]

Breakfast, Fitness, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Sport

That’s why porridge is the best breakfast before sports

Basically, breakfast is an important meal that you should not leave out. No matter whether you like to exercise after getting up or prefer to take it slow, do not start the day on an empty stomach. Porridge is perfect for a healthy start into the day and also contributes to a balanced diet. With […]

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Weight loss

Losing weight with porridge – is that even possible?

The fact that oatmeal contributes to a healthy diet and can even help you to lose weight has not only been known since warm breakfast or porridge has been enjoying a renaissance. Porridge was already on the menu of poor working-class families a hundred and more years ago. No wonder, as it was easy and […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

5 important Ayurveda spices for all Doshas

In Ayurvedic nutrition everything revolves around them: spices. In the traditional Indian healing art they are not only used as medicine, but also keep the three doshas (the three life energies Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in balance. They also give your food the necessary spice. Whether breakfast, lunch or dinner – Ayurveda has the right […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

Which nutrients are contained in porridge?

It’s no secret that porridge is a healthy breakfast. The breakfast trend does not only look good on Instagram pictures, but also is good for your body. We took a closer look at porridge, which is also called oatmeal. You will find out in this blog post which important nutrients you can find in the […]

Fitness, Muscle building, Nutrition, Sport

Is it better to have breakfast before or after training?

Have you ever asked yourself whether it makes more sense to have breakfast before or after doing sports? As with many questions, there is not only one correct answer. In order to judge whether you should have breakfast before or after you need to take into account the goal you are pursuing with your sporting activity. After […]

Gesund leben, Nutrition

Ayurveda nutrition – that’s what’s behind it!

Ayurveda – a term we mainly know in our western cultures from the wellness sector or in connection with healthy nutrition. However, Ayurveda means one thing above all: listening to your body and its signals. Ayurvedic doctors are masters in recognizing disturbing signals of your body and thus diagnosing diseases. Mostly these are due to […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

Do I have food allergies?

More and more people nowadays have allergic reactions to food. This is due to many different factors. It is often said in this context that people have simply become hypersensitive. This is not true. The methods for detecting allergies or intolerances have improved considerably, as have the treatments. All these things did not exist in […]

Gesund leben, Nutrition

Diabetes – What naturally lowers blood sugar levels?

Diabetes. For many, this is initially a shock diagnosis, because the disease diabetes mellitus is associated with insulin, a sugar-free diet and strict blood sugar controls. The worst thing for many is the feared loss of quality of life, because suddenly everything that tastes good seems unsuitable. But is that really the case? Does my […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Omega-3 fatty acids – how they work and where to find them

Die Bezeichnung „Omega-3-Fettsäuren“ hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Bekanntheit gewonnen. Es werden Bücher dazu geschrieben, Omega-3-Fettsäuren werden auf bestimmten Lebensmitteln ausgewiesen und als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verkauft. Und das hat einen ganz einfachen Grund: Omega-3-Fettsäuren sind essentiell für den menschlichen Körper – so viel können wir schon jetzt verraten. Warum das so ist, wo sie […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

Do I eat too much sugar?

If you look at the nutritional value table of many foods, you will very often find various names for sugar. Every day we unconsciously consume more sugar than we actually want and need. Excessive consumption of sugar can have long-term effects on our health and body, and this can promote various diseases such as type […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

Warm breakfast helps against tiredness – how to eat yourself awake!

You often feel tired all day long? In the morning you can’t get out of bed and it doesn’t really get any better during the day? Especially in winter, the darkness and cold contribute to this. Of course, this is not only a physical burden but also a psychological one. First of all, you may […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Everything you need to know about a healthy diet with oatmeal

As the main ingredient of muesli or porridge, oat flakes are an indispensable part of many breakfast tables. They are also an important ingredient in sports nutrition, for example in muesli bars. They are considered a superfood and since they do not have to be transported halfway around the globe.

Gesund leben, Nutrition, Sport

4 ways to get your circulation going

Who doesn’t know it? You get up in the morning and your circulation goes crazy. You stagger into the bathroom, make an effort to get ready, and even at work the circulation is not yet at full speed. Such circulation problems, especially in the morning, affect many of us. A common cause of circulatory issues […]

Breakfast, Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition, Breakfast, Breakfast, Gesund leben, Gesund leben, Gesund leben, Nutrition

5 tips how to make your own porridge

You probably already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Porridge is also becoming more and more popular as an option for a warm breakfast. In this article we will explain to you how to prepare your own delicious breakfast porridge and how to refine your porridge. What actually is porridge? […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

What sugar substitutes are there and what is behind them?

For many years people have been aware that too much sugar is not good for the body. And yet we eat it every day in an amount that is far beyond the needs of our body. One reason for this is that sugar is added – often unnecessarily – to many products of our daily […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Overnight oats – the perfect breakfast for all morning grouches

Einfach lecker und schnell zubreitet: die Overnight Oats! Praktisch kalter Haferbrei. Die Flocken werden über Nacht eingeweicht und so zu Overnight Oats. Das Grundrezept der Overnight Oats besteht aus: Haferflocken (Oats), Milch oder Wasser und frischem Obst. Der Haferbrei wird im Glas zubereitet und kommt über Nacht (Overnight) in den Kühlschrank. Sozusagen kalter Porridge. Perfekt […]

Breakfast, Nutrition, Weight loss

Losing weight with the oat diet – is that possible?

Oats are healthy – that is undisputed. Due to the long-chain carbohydrates which are contained and the high amount of dietary fibres, oats really make you feel satiated. And that’s exactly why oats are supposed to help you with losing weight. The so-called oat diet consists of mainly eating oat flakes and other oat products. […]

Breakfast, Fitness, Fitness, Breakfast, Gesund leben, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How healthy porridge really is

For many, breakfast is an integral part of every morning and the warm porridge is a key component at the breakfast table. But only very few people are actually aware of the fact that porridge is a dish with a thousand-year-old history. Today, there are various porridge variations which can be found on almost every […]

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