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Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Warm breakfast according to TCM

Warmed up, well saturated, but still light as a feather and full of energy to start the day? All this is possible according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) – if you prepare yourself a warm breakfast in the morning and follow some basic rules. That’s why we want to take a closer look at the […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The 8 best porridge toppings – Get even more out of your favourite breakfast

For many people, a good morning and a warm breakfast go hand in hand these days. For the most important meal of the day many decide to go with porridge. Porridge is a very healthy and popular breakfast option that currently exists in many different forms.  But what is the best way to prepare porridge? With which […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

TCM Nutrition – what is behind it?

For our recipes, we love to be inspired by nutritional philosophies from all around the world. Our particularly soothing and warm TCM breakfast is based on the 5-Elements teaching, a pillar of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Based on the 5-element theory, we have created three finely balanced porridge varieties that make breakfast in harmony with […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Bircher Muesli – a classic celebrates its revival

At the moment the Bircher muesli is very trendy and can be found on the menu of every good breakfast restaurant. However, muesli actually has a really long tradition. What used to be seen as a boring dish one would only eat when being on a diet is now available in many different variations and […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Chia seeds and their effects: myth or magical seeds?

Chia is technically called “Chia Salvia hispanica” and is, among other things, a “novel food”. In this article you will learn how this superfood affects our body and what makes chia seeds so healthy.

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Too much sugar – how harmful is sugar really?

Sugar. One food, many different opinions. The subject of sugar is discussed heavily and is seen more controversial than almost any other topic. You can often read about the many harmful effects of sugar on the body. Sugar makes us fat, can lead to an addiction and can favour various diseases such as diabetes type […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How to simply bake & cook vegan – 9 great substitutes

Eating more vegan food has become more and more popular in recent years and cooking and baking with vegan alternatives is also gaining more and more attention. But not only as vegan one can use vegetable substitutes for baking or cooking. One or two vegan days a week do not only have health benefits, such […]

Nutrition, Recipes

Breakfast ideas for Halloween: A breakfast to fear

For many Halloween is associated with scary costumes, creepy parties and events, candy, pranks or horror movies. For us Halloween means one thing above everything else: Delicious food! That’s why we want to present you some delicious recipes for your Halloween breakfast or party. But first back to the basics: Where does the name Halloween […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Why oats are good for you

Whoever hears the word “superfood” is more likely to think of chia seeds, maca, physalis, barley grass or goji berries. Only rarely would oats be found on this list. Yet the grain is considered one of the healthiest cereals of all and is thus a real “bedrock” in healthy nutrition.

Breakfast, Fitness, Muscle building, Nutrition, Sport

What the perfect sports breakfast looks like

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – not only for people who start their day off with a sports activity, but for all of us. During our breakfast we take in the necessary resources for the day. The Verival products provide the ideal breakfast for everyone – whether without added sugar, rich […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

To get the most out of your meals – 5 tips to increase bioavailability

Even though we at Verival are committed to offer you an organic breakfast of the highest quality, one thing is certain: No, bioavailability has nothing to do with “organic”. But what does bioavailability mean? Bioavailability is a term that is probably not very well-known. If you have heard of it before, you may have mostly […]

Breakfast, Nutrition

Hektar Nektar and bee protection

Since 2018 we have been supporting Hektar Nektar in their PROJECT 2028, which aims to increase the bee population by ten percent over the next ten years through the targeted support of apiarists. In today’s blog post, we would like to introduce the company Hektar Nektar and its project in more detail to you. The […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Am I allowed to eat sugar at all?

Probably everyone who has followed the headlines of the sugar debate in recent years, has at least once asked themselves this question. In kindergartens, fruit platters are served instead of birthday cakes, alternative sweeteners experience a real boom and the range of products without added sugar increases on every supermarket shelf – it’s ketchup, soft […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The history of the Porridge

If you order a porridge at a fancy breakfast place, you probably don’t think about porridge being one of the oldest foods there is. The warm oat meal is really at trend at the moment, highly praised for its digestible ingredients and its effects on our energy balance and blood sugar levels. Entering “Porridge Recipes” […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The Granola & its history

We all know it. We all love it. The Granola. With its cookie-like texture and fine sweetness, the granola is an important part of many breakfast bowls. The baked cereal clusters provide your breakfast with the ideal bite and your body with enough energy for a perfect start into the day. The Granola and its […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

What does organic mean?

Organic. Well known and to be seen in every supermarket. Organic has become a universal term for healthy and sustainable food. As a manufacturer of organic breakfast, it is of course particularly important to us. However, many people buy organic products and try to live “organically” without really knowing what is hidden behind the term. […]

Breakfast, Fitness, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition, Sport

Six delicious vegan toppings for your vegan high protein breakfast

Covering your daily protein need – whether purely plant-based or not – is not as difficult as you might think as there are wonderful and tasty ways to integrate more protein-rich foods into your diet. We would like to explain some of them in more detail today. A great vegan protein source that you can […]

Breakfast, Fitness, Gesund leben, Nutrition, Sport

Muscle building through vegan proteins

You’re vegan and want to build muscles? Is that even possible without animal proteins? Vegan nutrition There are several health benefits that people who follow a vegan diet and thus do not consume any animal products gain from their decision. A vegan diet can reduce the risk of heart diseases, high blood pressure and the […]

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

A healthier and more sustainable start into the day with your organic Verival breakfast

As you probably know, we only use ingredients from selected organic farms for our breakfast products. But why do we do this? Clearly organic cultivation is not only better for the environment, but it is also healthier for us humans! Organic cultivation does not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Moreover, great attention is paid […]

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

5 reasons why we do not use palm oil at Verival

What is palm oil? Palm oil is extracted from the fruits of the oil palm. It originated in the rainforests of West Africa before it came to Asia in the 19th century. Today, the oil palm is mainly found in Indonesia and Malaysia as the tropical climate there provides the ideal growing conditions for the […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Heritage grains for breakfast

Heritage grains are very trendy at the moment and are also celebrated as a real innovation! Strange, in fact, when you consider that these grains are over ten thousand years old. Perhaps this is the case due to a rethinking in our society, because the desire for sustainability, naturalness, authenticity and tradition is apparently becoming […]

Breakfast, Nutrition

About vegan proteins and what Sabrina from @berosa_gogreen and Helga from @travelling_vet say about this topic!

Did you know that our Verival Athletics Range contains native plant proteins and what makes vegan proteins so special? Find out in this blog post and read about what Sabrina from @berosa_gogreen and Helga from @travelling_vet think about vegan proteins. What makes vegan proteins so special? Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body, needed […]

Breakfast, Fitness, Gesund leben, Nutrition

What you always wanted to know about proteins

The protein hype does not seem to come to an end and is still one of the top trends in every important food trend analysis. For us as breakfast makers, this is definitely a reason to take a closer look at this topic. The result? We followed the trend and launched our own sports range […]

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Some thoughts on sustainability

And suddenly certain doubts come creeping in about our daily habits. Is it sustainable? – This question comes to our minds more and more often. Sustainability has become a huge topic which arises when we shop, travel, choose our means of transport, live, invest or even vote. The question of sustainability now comes up in […]

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How to overwinter berries

Freeze-dried berries at Verival & the best tips for freezing berries at home We are glad that we don’t always have to comply with the berry season calendar and can enjoy fresh berries all year round in our Mueslis, Crunchys, Granolas and Porridges as there are many different freeze-dried berries in our breakfast products. But […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

What you always wanted to know about whole grains

Whole grains. A grain of a special kind, incredibly healthy and rich in nutrients. But what exactly is whole grain? The term whole grain is used to describe grains of which only the awns and husks are removed after harvesting. As a result, fibre, vitamins, oils and minerals are ideally preserved. Whole grain products therefore […]

Breakfast, Nutrition

6 different nutrition types and their history

Nutrition is probably one of the most discussed topics in the history of mankind. What we feed our body is extremely crucial for our physical and mental health. Of course, there are different prejudices for all the different nutrition types. But not only for the sake of one’s own body or health, do many choose […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Ideal breakfast combinations

You probably already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But not only the decision to have breakfast is important, but also the combination of the ingredients in your breakfast is essential. Today our Verival nutritionist Axel Dinse introduces ideal breakfast combinations from a nutritional perspective to you. With the 5 […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Where does the muesli come from?

Everyone knows it, everyone loves it. Muesli could be the unofficial staple food of the world, if you bear in mind how much it is bought and eaten. The different variations of the notorious Muesli are deeply reminiscent of the importance of the food. So what is the history behind this very simple dish? Muesli […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The Verival fact check: Benefits of a warm breakfast

Porridge isn’t getting more and more popular without a reason, it’s because a warm breakfast can do more for you than you think: Gives your digestion a break: A warm breakfast has the perfect temperature for your body. Therefore, it needs less energy to digest and leaves you with a warm and comfortable feeling. Increased […]

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