Dominik Wendl

Ich interessiere mich schon seit Jahren für Sport und Ernährung und setze mich intensiv mit den Themen auseinander. Auf diesem Blog teile ich gerne mein Wissen rund um das Thema gesunde Ernährung und die richtige Ernährung beim Sport.

Alle Beiträge von Dominik Wendl

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Oat flakes – do you already know these 5 benefits of healthy flakes?

Oats are THE local superfood. Besides the many health benefits, oats are also just very tasty. But why should you not do without oats already at breakfast and what are really the benefits of oats? We answer these questions in today’s blog post.

Muscle building, Nutrition, Sport

This is why almonds help build muscle

Almonds are the frontrunners when it comes to plant-based and vegan protein sources. Packed with protein and amino acids, they provide almost half of your daily needs in just a handful. How can almonds help you build muscle and how do you incorporate almonds into your diet?

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

How to have a healthy breakfast with oats

Oats are the superfood par excellence. Especially the many fatty acids and the complex carbohydrates make oats shine. In this blog post we tell you how to prepare a healthy breakfast with oats and what you should look out for.

Breakfast, Nutrition, Weight loss

Oatmeal – why it’s the best breakfast for weight loss

Oatmeal or porridge is one of the healthiest breakfast foods out there. In recent years, oatmeal has really become the frontrunner in the breakfast world. Especially when it comes to losing weight, you can’t do without oats. Why oats are so healthy and how they can help you lose weight is explained in today’s blog post.

Breakfast, Nutrition

Can you lose weight with chia seeds? 5 reasons why they help

Chia seeds are the ultimate superfood. The little seeds are rich in vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and help your digestion. They are also perfect for becoming your personal weight loss aid. We’ll tell you how in today’s blog post.

Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

These top 6 foods lower levels of cholesterol naturally

Cholesterol, level of cholesterol, cholesterol levels – these terms have certainly been heard more often in recent years. Especially among the older generation, cholesterol problems are being diagnosed more and more often. The influence of cholesterol on health is quite considerable. You can find out more about the level of cholesterol and how you can lower it naturally here.

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

What Are Heritage Grains and What Are the Types?

Heritage grain is becoming more and more popular with people who love breakfast. So it is a great concern for us to bring heritage grain back to the forefront. Our mueslis are not only delicious, but also healthy. We’ll tell you exactly what makes heritage grain such a perennial favourite at Verival in this article.

Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Is porridge actually easy to digest?

You love porridge and oat products, but have never been so sure whether your beloved porridge is easy to digest? In today’s blog post, we’ll tell you all the facts and have a few tips and tricks for you – so you can get off to a warm and healthy start into the day.

Gesund leben, Nutrition

Help, I am gluten intolerant! What else can I eat?

You have a gluten sensitivity or even an intolerance? Don’t worry – you are not alone with this, nor do you have to give up everything that tastes good from now on. We’ll tell you what you need to have in mind when eating gluten-free and which foods you can continue to enjoy without worries.

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle

5 ideas and tips for a healthy camping breakfast

Camping Camping Camping! And especially when camping, there must be no lack of delicious food. Because even in the wilderness it is allowed to indulge in a little luxury. You can read about the tips and tricks we have put together for you when camping in this blog post.

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle

5 summery toppings for your healthy breakfast

You like to eat healthy breakfast, but are never quite sure which toppings to use? Whether it’s porridge, muesli or yoghurt – we’ll tell you how to become a breakfast professional. Nuts, seeds, fruit – all these toppings are presented in today’s blog post.

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