For many people, losing weight means exercising every day and severely restricting their diet. But neither is absolutely necessary. Losing weight is also possible without sporting activity or a crash diet. In this article you will find out how you can lose weight sustainably without relying on sports.

Lose weight without exercise – here’s what you need to know

If you want to lose weight but are not the biggest fan of sports, we have good news for you. Losing weight without exercise is possible. But before we take a closer look at how this works, we should take a look at the BMI calculator.

The reason for this is that losing weight is not always necessary or healthy. Therefore, it makes sense to look at your starting position first. The BMI calculator is suitable for this. BMI stands for body mass index. This should help you to estimate your body weight.

If you have a BMI over 25, this generally means that you are overweight. An exception would be athletes who achieve their increased weight through a high percentage of muscle mass. The following applies to everyone else: If your BMI is over 25, it is advisable to reduce your weight somewhat, for example, to avoid diet-associated common diseases.

Let’s now take a look at how this can be done.

How to lose weight only with the help of your diet

The most important factor when it comes to losing weight is diet. Although it is often propagated how important exercise is for losing weight, nutrition is much more important.

Ultimately, if you want to lose weight, your calorie intake must not be higher than your consumption. You can increase your calorie intake through exercise, but many people overestimate the influence of exercise on calorie consumption.

Viele verbinden gezielten Gewichtsverlust mit Sport. Dabei geht Abnehmen auch ohne Sport.
Many people associate targeted weight loss with sport. But losing weight is also possible without sport.

It is therefore better to first calculate your calorie requirement – for example with the Verival calorie calculator. Then adjust your diet so that you are always in a calorie deficit.

As a guideline, you can take 200 to 400 calories. If you have a calorie requirement of 2,200 calories, you should eat between 1,800 and 2,000 calories to lose weight sustainably.

These 7 tips will help you lose weight without exercise

As you may have noticed, it’s not always easy to stick to your calorie target. But don’t worry, there are plenty of effective tips on how to stick to your calorie requirements in a healthy and long-term way.

1. Enjoy food in its natural form

If you want to lose weight in the long term, you should avoid foods with empty calories. This includes all soft drinks and sugary and fatty snacks. These are often extremely high in calories – but they won’t fill you up for long.

You will be much more satiated if you consume food in its natural form. This means that instead of eating apple juice, it is best to eat the whole apple with its skin.

When it comes to baked goods, you should also make sure to eat the most natural form. You can achieve this, for example, by eating whole grain cereals. More of the grain has been processed, which gives your body more dietary fibre.

The great advantage of fibre is that it keeps you full for a long time and ensures healthy digestion. This makes you feel good all over and weight loss becomes noticeably easier.

Gesundes Abnehmen ohne Sport gelingt am besten, wenn du natürliche Lebensmittel zu dir nimmst.
The best way to lose weight healthily without exercise is to eat natural foods.

2. A healthy breakfast for long satiety

Fibre is good throughout the day. But they are especially important at breakfast. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast that includes complex carbohydrates and fibre will keep you full and give you plenty of energy.

A healthy porridge for breakfast, for example, already provides you with the most important nutrients. The oat flakes in it keep you full for a long time and prevent unnecessary cravings.

In general, it is advisable to bring a certain routine into your daily diet. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast could be one of them.

3. Regular drinking as an insider tip

Another simple trick also has to do with starting the day. It’s all about drinking. After a few hours of sleep, your body is often a little dehydrated. Therefore, you should try to drink enough fluids in the morning to get your body going again.

But even during the day, you should always have a glass or bottle of water at hand. Sometimes your body confuses hunger with thirst. So before you reach for the first snack, try to satisfy your supposed hunger with a sip of water. This often works wonders.

4. Eat slowly

It’s not just when and what you eat that’s important, but also how quickly you eat. Especially if you want to lose weight with a healthy diet alone and do not resort to exercise, you should consider the following tip.

It’s all about eating slowly and with pleasure. This may sound like a negligible tip, but it can have a big impact on your eating behaviour.

Because by chewing for longer, you not only get more of the taste of your meal. It also improves satiety and digestion. You will feel more satisfied after eating and stay full longer.

5. Reduce stress

What you should avoid at all costs when losing weight is stress. Firstly, you won’t lose weight in the long term if your diet stresses you out. And secondly, stress itself has an influence on your weight loss success.

The reason for this is that many people tend to eat more when they are stressed. This leads to a higher calorie intake and thus hinders your weight loss goal. Other physiological and especially hormonal aspects could also play an important role – but nutrition science is still not entirely clear about the exact mechanisms.

6. Sufficient sleep

The same applies to sleep. Some studies have shown that lack of sleep correlates with weight gain and obesity. Again, the underlying mechanism is not entirely clear.

However, for many people, lack of sleep leads to an increased appetite and an associated increase in calorie intake. Getting enough sleep therefore makes sense in any case – regardless of the exact mechanism behind it.

7. Avoid rapid weight loss

Besides stress and lack of sleep, you should also avoid crash diets. Although you can sometimes lose weight quickly, the weight comes back at least as quickly. This leads to the undesirable yo-yo effect, which should be avoided at all costs.

Instead, if you make a routine of eating healthy with a slight calorie deficit, you will find it easier to lose weight in the long term.

Wenn du regelmäßig Sport treibst, solltest du deine Ernährung darauf anpassen.
If you exercise regularly, you should adjust your diet accordingly.

What you should watch out for if you do exercise.

Exercise is not absolutely necessary to lose weight. What matters is what you eat and what kind of lifestyle you follow. Sufficient sleep and a healthy approach to nutrition play an extremely important role.

If you still want to do sport, it is advisable to adjust your diet accordingly. The ideal diet for sport not only ensures better performance, but also a greater sense of well-being.

All in all, however, the following applies: pay attention to your body’s signals and try to implement your adapted lifestyle in harmony with them in the long term. This will give you the best chance of targeted weight loss, and it will also feel much better than an energy-sapping crash diet. Good luck!

Nicolas Dworak


Ich bin studierter Sportwissenschafter und angehender Journalist. Neben meiner Faszination für Sport und das Schreiben blättere ich gerne durch die Fachbücher der Ernährungswissenschaft. Sport und Ernährung gehen für mich Hand in Hand, wenn es um einen gesunden Lebensstil geht.

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