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Oat flakes

Oat flakes

For mueslis, soups and bakery products. It is a spelt grain, but there are also spelt-free varieties: hull-less oats and sprouting oats. The nutritional values of oats distinguish this grain from other varieties by virtue of its particularly high-value content (in protein and as the grain with the highest fat content).

Regular price £3.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £3.00 GBP
Unit price £6.00 GBP  per  1000g
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SKU: 40009

Product details

Vollkorn-Haferflocken höchster Bio-Qualität im Multipack (3x 500g) mit Preisvorteil, direkt vom Hersteller.
Hafer eignet sich aufgrund seiner hochwertigen Nährstoffe ideal als Basis für verschiedenste Frühstücksgerichte. Auch in den allermeisten unserer Müslis, Crunchys und Porridges sind Haferflocken die Hauptzutat und deshalb unverzichtbar für uns.

  • Großblatt Haferflocken
  • Voll bio
  • Vegan
  • Lange haltbar
  • Voller guter Nährstoffe
  • Vielseitig einsetzbar

Aber warum sind Haferflocken so gesund? Hier die wichtigsten Vorteile von Hafer im Überblick:

  • Langes Sättigungsgefühl dank des hohen Anteils an langkettigen Kohlenhydraten sowie löslichen Ballaststoffen
  • Positive Wirkung auf Magen und Darm und Unterstützung der Verdauung
  • Förderung eines konstanten Blutzuckerspiegels
  • Hoher Eiweißgehalt
  • Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels

Für eine optimale Lagerung empfehlen wir, die Haferflocken nach dem Kauf in ein luftdicht verschließbares Gefäß umzufüllen.

Nutritional values ​​& ingredients

Origin Oats: EU

100% organic oat.

May contain traces of sesame seeds, lupines, soy and other nuts.
Packed in protective atmosphere.
Store in a cool, dry place.

Nährwerttabelle (Angaben pro 100g)

Brennwert in Kilojoule 1,563.00 kJ
Brennwert in Kilokalorien 371.00 kcal
Fett 7.00 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1.30 g
Kohlenhydrate 59.00 g
davon Zucker 1.10 g
Ballaststoffe 10.00 g
Eiweiß 13.00 g
Salz 0.02 g


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Healthy breakfast for every day

Our organic breakfast products form the ideal basis for your healthy start to the day. They provide you with all the important nutrients such as complex carbohydrates, fiber, essential amino acids, healthy fats and plant-based proteins. This is how you start the day optimally strengthened.

✓ Keeps you full for up to 6 hours

✓ Regulates your blood sugar level

✓ Strengthens your digestion and your immune system< /p>

Bio Zutaten


Organic quality from Austria

A product is only as good as the ingredients that go into it. That's why we invest a lot of time and effort in selecting and checking high-quality raw materials from organic farming and in careful processing.

Our high-quality organic ingredients are made into delicious organic porridges and granolas in our own production in Langkampfen in Tyrol , mueslis & more are further processed and sent to you directly from Tyrol.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Elisabetta Lupi
Ho saputo che nell avena rimane anche dopo la lavorazione la maggior parte dei pesticidi sopratut...

Per me ottima ma dopo queste ultime notizie gradirei da voi delle informazioni riguardo la naturalità del vostro prodotto


Ottimi per chi come me ama creare il proprio muesli ogni volta con ingredienti nuovi.