Healthy breakfast at home
Bircher muesli preparation
Preparing Bircher muesli is easy and healthy. Discover on our site how you can conjure up a nutritious breakfast with just a few ingredients.
Find out everything about the original recipe from Dr. Bircher-Benner and our modern versions, which are perfect for a balanced start to the day.
Let our tips and tricks inspire you and find your new favorite breakfast!

Original Bircher muesli recipe
For the original Bircher muesli recipe you need the following ingredients.
Ingredients for 4 portions:
- 50g oat flakes
- 120ml water or milk
- 1 apple, grated
- Juice of half a lemon
- 1-2 tbsp sweetened condensed milk or honey (optional)
- 1 handful of chopped nuts (e.g. almonds or hazelnuts)

Preparation of the original Bircher muesli
To prepare the classic Bircher muesli recipe, first mix 50g of oat flakes with 120ml of water or milk and let it soak in the fridge overnight.
The next morning, grate an apple and add it to the soaked oatmeal along with the juice of half a lemon. Optionally, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk or honey to sweeten the granola to your taste.
Finally, sprinkle a handful of chopped nuts such as almonds or hazelnuts on top and stir everything well. Your fresh and nutritious Bircher muesli is now ready to enjoy!
The most important thing about preparing Bircher muesli
Verival Bircher muesli
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Verival Bircher Porridge
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Bircher muesli recipes
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How healthy is Bircher muesli?
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Frequently asked questions
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Bircher Porridge
4.97 / 5.0
4.97 74 total reviews
Regular price £5.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price £14.29 GBP / per 1000g3 Sizes available
Bircher Wholegrain Muesli
4.83 / 5.0
4.83 12 total reviews
Regular price £5.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price £13.33 GBP / per 1000g2 Sizes available

Quick, healthy preparation
Verival Bircher muesli
Verival wholemeal Bircher muesli consists of wholemeal flakes made from whole oats and wheat grains, refined with 3-fruit flakes, sultanas, figs, diced apples, apple flakes and hazelnuts. You can either enjoy our Verival Bircher Muesli cold with a little milk, yoghurt or curd cheese. Or you can prepare your Bircher muesli as a warming morning meal. Simply bring water or milk to the boil, stir in the muesli and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. That's it!

Die warme Variation
Bircher Porridge
Für alle Freunde des warmen Frühstücks haben wir aber auch ein eigenes Bircher Porridge im Sortiment. Der glutenfreie Haferbrei wird mit fruchtig-süßen Äpfeln, Sultaninen und Feigen ergänzt und mit knackigen Haselnüssen, Dattel- und Apfelflocken verfeinert.
Zubereiten kannst du den Porridge mit heißem Wasser oder heißer Milch. Die Porridge-Mischung 3 Minuten darin ziehen lassen und schon hast du ein herrlich wärmendes Frühstück. Oder du zauberst dir Bircher Overnight Oats. Dafür lässt du den Porridge einfach über Nacht in Wasser oder Milch einweichen und kannst den Brei am Morgen frisch aus dem Kühlschrank genießen.
Porridge mit Haferkleie – Grundrezept
Nicht auf ein warmes Frühstück verzichten und trotzdem etwas Neues ausprobieren? Wie wäre es dann mit Porridge aus Haferkleie? Diese unterscheidet sich nämlich nicht nur bei den Nährwerten, sondern auch...
Katharina HannPorridge mit Haferkleie – Grundrezept
Nicht auf ein warmes Frühstück verzichten und trotzdem etwas Neues ausprobieren? Wie wäre es dann mit Porridge aus Haferkleie? Diese unterscheidet sich nämlich nicht nur bei den Nährwerten, sondern auch...
KKatharina Hann• -
Haferbrei Rezept – bester Geschmack aus Haferfl...
Wie du nun einen einfachen Haferbrei zubereitest, erfährst du in diesem Rezept. Natürlich ist es dir überlassen, womit du die Speise garnierst. Hierfür empfehlen wir zum Beispiel Beeren oder andere...
Alexandra WiesingerHaferbrei Rezept – bester Geschmack aus Haferfl...
Wie du nun einen einfachen Haferbrei zubereitest, erfährst du in diesem Rezept. Natürlich ist es dir überlassen, womit du die Speise garnierst. Hierfür empfehlen wir zum Beispiel Beeren oder andere...
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Rezept: Mandelmilch selber machen
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Alexandra WiesingerRezept: Mandelmilch selber machen
Viele Menschen heutzutage wollen auf Kuhmilch verzichten. Als Alternative bieten sich Pflanzendrinks an. Da gibt es zum Beispiel den Haferdrink, die Haselnussmilch oder die Cashewmilch. Wie du deine Mandelmilch ganz...
Alexandra Wiesinger•

How healthy is Bircher muesli?
Bircher muesli is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Dr. Bircher-Benner, the inventor of Bircher muesli, recognized the health benefits of apples and made them a key ingredient in his recipe.
An average apple contains over 30 vitamins and trace elements as well as 100 to 180 milligrams of potassium. It also provides valuable minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and iron.
This impressive nutrient density contributes significantly to health and well-being. No wonder apple plays such a central role in this classic and healthy breakfast.

Versatile preparation with Verival
Why Bircher muesli from Verival?
Over the years, the Bircher Muesli recipe has evolved to meet modern taste preferences and dietary needs. Nowadays it is often prepared with yogurt or plant-based alternatives and can be refined with a variety of toppings such as berries, nuts and seeds.
Verival offers both the classic Bircher muesli and the Bircher porridge, both of which are made with high-quality organic ingredients and are characterized by their fresh and creamy consistency.
Bircher muesli and The Verival Bircher Porridge offers a balanced combination of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats and is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. They are popular both as breakfast and as a healthy snack and contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet.

Dr. Bircher-Benner
Origin and history of Bircher muesli
Dr. Bircher-Benner was a pioneer in the health movement and a firm believer in the healing power of raw foods. He developed the recipe for Bircher Muesli after being inspired by the diet of alpine shepherds, who ate a similar mixture of oatmeal and grated apples.
His recipe consisted of oatmeal soaked in water or milk, mixed with grated apples, lemon juice, nuts and sweetened condensed milk.
Find the right breakfast for you
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Alexandra Wiesinger•
Frequently asked questions
What is Bircher muesli?
Bircher muesli is a special type of muesli consisting of rolled oats, grated apples, lemon juice, nuts and sweetened condensed milk. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Swiss physician Dr Maximilian Oskar Bircher-Benner. Originally conceived for the patients of his sanatorium in Zurich, Bircher muesli offers a fresh and creamy mixture of raw fruit and cereals.
Is Bircher muesli really that healthy?
Yes, Bircher muesli is very healthy. It is rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, which come from the oat flakes and fruit. The combination of complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats ensures long-lasting satiety and a stable energy supply. The high fibre content also aids digestion and can help to keep blood sugar levels stable.
What is the difference between porridge and bircher muesli?
The main difference between porridge and Bircher muesli lies in the preparation and the ingredients. Porridge is made from rolled oats that are cooked in milk or water, resulting in a warm, porridge-like consistency. Bircher muesli, on the other hand, is made from rolled oats that are soaked in liquid (usually overnight) and also contains grated apples, lemon juice and nuts. Bircher muesli is served cold and has a fresh, creamy consistency.
Is Bircher muesli good for the stomach?
Yes, Bircher muesli is good for the stomach. Thanks to its high fibre content, it aids digestion and promotes healthy bowel function. The oat flakes it contains provide both soluble and insoluble fibre, which supports intestinal health and can prevent constipation. The natural ingredients are also gentle on the stomach and easy to digest.
What organic certifications does Verival have?
All VERIVAL organic products are certified by the Austria Bio Garantie and bear both the EU organic seal and the German organic seal. VERIVAL is also certified to IFS Level 7.