Alexandra Wiesinger

Gesunde Ernährung spielt für mich sowohl persönlich als auch in meinem beruflichen Kontext eine große Rolle. Deswegen probiere ich gerne neue Rezepte aus und teile hier mit euch meine Tipps für einen gesunden Lebensstil und leckeres nahrhaftes Frühstück.   Dabei ist es mir besonders wichtig einen klaren Überblick über verschiedene Ernährungsthemen zu geben und euch alltagstaugliche Tipps mit an die Hand zu geben.   Mein liebstes Verival Produkt: das Himbeer-Kakao Sport Porridge mit Haferkleie. Zu meinem Lieblingsprodukt

Alle Beiträge von Alexandra Wiesinger

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

The almond – a small all-rounder with great effect

Whether brown, blanched, roasted, as slivers, flakes or whole. With their sweet, mild taste, almonds are popular with many people. But what makes the almond such a multi-talent? How is it grown and where does the almond come from?

Breakfast, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Are oats really gluten-free?

When you research about the superfood oats, you will inevitably come across the question of whether or not oats contain gluten. Opinions differ on this question and there are various articles about this topic online. Especially for people who suffer from gluten intolerance, also called celiac disease, it is important to know which grain products […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle

How to prepare oat flakes properly

You probably already know that oat flakes are now considered as a real superfood and should therefore be an integral part of a healthy diet. But when preparing oat flakes you should consider a few small tricks so that the oat flakes do not taste too boring and get the right consistency. In this blog […]

Gesund leben, Nutrition

Diabetes – What naturally lowers blood sugar levels?

Diabetes. For many, this is initially a shock diagnosis, because the disease diabetes mellitus is associated with insulin, a sugar-free diet and strict blood sugar controls. The worst thing for many is the feared loss of quality of life, because suddenly everything that tastes good seems unsuitable. But is that really the case? Does my […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Omega-3 fatty acids – how they work and where to find them

Die Bezeichnung „Omega-3-Fettsäuren“ hat in den letzten Jahren stark an Bekanntheit gewonnen. Es werden Bücher dazu geschrieben, Omega-3-Fettsäuren werden auf bestimmten Lebensmitteln ausgewiesen und als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verkauft. Und das hat einen ganz einfachen Grund: Omega-3-Fettsäuren sind essentiell für den menschlichen Körper – so viel können wir schon jetzt verraten. Warum das so ist, wo sie […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Nutrition

Do I eat too much sugar?

If you look at the nutritional value table of many foods, you will very often find various names for sugar. Every day we unconsciously consume more sugar than we actually want and need. Excessive consumption of sugar can have long-term effects on our health and body, and this can promote various diseases such as type […]

Nutrition, Breakfast, Breakfast, Gesund leben, Gesund leben

How you can use your food leftovers creatively and deliciously

Did you know that one third of all foods produced is thrown away? We all probably know it too well when we prepared a portion of food too big for us to eat at once and it slowly loses its crispness or beautiful color. Even if leftovers often don’t look as appealing as they did […]

Healthy lifestyle, Recipes

How to prepare chia seeds

In the last few years chia seeds have become increasingly popular and are now known as the small miracle seeds. Unfortunately, the preparation of chia seeds is not always easy if you don’t pay attention to a few little things. In this blog post we want to show you what you should keep in mind […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

Too much sugar – how harmful is sugar really?

Sugar. One food, many different opinions. The subject of sugar is discussed heavily and is seen more controversial than almost any other topic. You can often read about the many harmful effects of sugar on the body. Sugar makes us fat, can lead to an addiction and can favour various diseases such as diabetes type […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle

Why our Verival breakfast products do not contain any soy

Soy is probably one of the most controversial foods nowadays and a food that even polarizes sometimes. Many think it is healthy and a good alternative to meat. Others believe that soy destroys habitats and contains harmful hormones. In the context of soy, there are also many articles in which the “soy lie” is discussed […]

Breakfast, Gesund leben, Healthy lifestyle, Nutrition

How to simply bake & cook vegan – 9 great substitutes

Eating more vegan food has become more and more popular in recent years and cooking and baking with vegan alternatives is also gaining more and more attention. But not only as vegan one can use vegetable substitutes for baking or cooking. One or two vegan days a week do not only have health benefits, such […]

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