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Porridge with vegetables? You can do that? Yes, you can also refine your porridge with various vegetables like carrots or zucchini. A very popular variation is the Carrot Cake Porridge. Here we show you how to prepare a Carrot Cake Porridge low in calories quick and easy.

In this recipe, carrots are grated small and boiled up together with the oat flakes and the liquid. The carrots give the porridge additional volume. This makes the porridge very satiating. Therefore this porridge recipe is also suitable for losing weight.

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Carrot Cake Porridge

Prep Time10 mins
Total Time10 mins


  • 50 g oat flakes
  • 200 ml milk or plant drink
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp walnuts


  • First grate the carrots small and then put them in a pot.
  • Then add the oat flakes and the milk or plant drink. If you want to save extra calories, you can also replace half of the milk or plant drink with water.
  • Then add the salt and a bit of cinnamon to the pot.
  • Boil the porridge for about 5-7 minutes. When the porridge is almost ready and is already creamy, remove the pot from the heat and add some almond paste to your porridge.
  • Then put the porridge in a bowl. Now you can refine the porridge with toppings of your choice, such as delicious walnuts.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Gesunde Ernährung spielt für mich sowohl persönlich als auch in meinem beruflichen Kontext eine große Rolle. Deswegen probiere ich gerne neue Rezepte aus und teile hier mit euch meine Tipps für einen gesunden Lebensstil und leckeres nahrhaftes Frühstück.   Dabei ist es mir besonders wichtig einen klaren Überblick über verschiedene Ernährungsthemen zu geben und euch alltagstaugliche Tipps mit an die Hand zu geben.   Mein liebstes Verival Produkt: das Himbeer-Kakao Sport Porridge mit Haferkleie. Zu meinem Lieblingsprodukt

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