You probably already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But not only the decision to have breakfast is important, but also the combination of the ingredients in your breakfast is essential. Today our Verival nutritionist Axel Dinse introduces ideal breakfast combinations from a nutritional perspective to you.

With the 5 ideal breakfast combinations that Axel Dinse has created, you can perfectly start into the morning!

1. Oats, nuts and seeds

We’re kicking off with the first combination, that is especially helpful for all of you, who often feel hungry shortly after having had breakfast: according to Axel the way to go is to mix wholegrain rolled oats with nuts and seeds, because the protein, healthy fats and vitamin intake is the perfect match to keep you satisfied until lunch – especially as the combination helps to stabilize your blood sugar level!

2. Oats and berries

You have just learned that the combination of wholegrain rolled oats, seeds and nuts is perfect for you if hunger quickly strikes again, even though you’ve just had breakfast. But what if you struggle with morning grumpiness and you simply can’t shake if off? Our Verival nutritionist Axel Dinsel has a great piece of advice for you: combine wholegrain rolled oats with berries to fight tiredness in the morning, which is often caused by iron deficiency. Rolled oats are a great natural source of iron and at the same time the vitamin C from the berries improves the bioavailability – which means, that your body can process iron easier – and that’s what makes it the perfect breakfast combination for you!

This ideal breakfast combination of oats and berries can be found in for example our Heritage Grains Muesli with Berries, the Berry Granola and Strawberry-Chia Porridge , all are of course organic😉

Oats and berries

3. Cashews and cranberries

Just out of bed and already in bad mood? Get ready to become an instant morning person as our Verival nutritionist Axel Dinse has some great breakfast advice especially for you: combine cashews and cranberries for a happier start into the day! In both ingredients there’s a preliminary stage of the chemical messenger serotonin, which can provide you with a major mood boost! So no more excuses, all you need is the right breakfast

So boost your mood through topping off your breakfast with cashews and cranberries with our organic nut-fruit mix work out and start into the day full of good energy.

Ideal breakfast combinations

4. Curd cheese as a base for oats, nuts and seeds

Have you ever tried to eat your muesli with curd cheese instead of yoghurt or milk? According to our Verival nutritionist Axel Dinse the breakfast combination of wholegrain oat flakes, curd cheese, nuts and different seeds is the perfect protein source – especially if you like to work out in the mornings. Through the mixture of wholegrain oat flakes, curd cheese, nuts and different seeds you combine a plant based as well as animal-based protein source, which makes ingestion much easier for your body!

This perfect combination of oatmeal, nuts and seeds can be found in our Sport Muesli Strawberry-Sour Cherry. All you have to do is refine the Sport Muesli with curd cheese and you’ll have enough protein for your tough workout.

5. Seeds and walnuts as topping

Our fifth and last ideal breakfast combination from our Verival nutritionist Axel Dinse is perfect for all of you, who have already found their favorite Verival muesli or porridge and want to improve it with some extra omega-3! You can simply add the Verival Good Morning Organic Seed Mix and walnuts in order to be provided with a boost of omega-3 fatty acids. The flaxseeds and hemp seeds in our Verival Organic Seed Mix and walnuts contain an extrem high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to improve your immune system and the combination is at the same time also highly anti-inflammatory!

To conclude, not only the selection of the right ingredients for your breakfast is important, but also the combination of ingredients is essential for an optimal supply of energy, vitamins and micronutrients.

In a nutshell, the ideal combinations are the following: Oat flakes, nuts and seeds will keep you full for a long time, oats & berries help against morning fatigue and cashews and cranberries put you in a good mood. If you start your day with curd cheese instead of yoghurt together with oatmeal, nuts and seeds, you can already take in a good part of your daily protein requirements in the morning and you are optimally supplied for your sport activities. Your topping with a seed mix and walnuts on your favourite porridge provides the perfect combination of omega-3 fatty acids and at the same time protects you against nasty pathogens in winter.

Many thanks to Axel Dinse for introducing the 5 ideal breakfast combinations! More information you can find on Axel’s website.

Alexandra Wiesinger

Gesunde Ernährung spielt für mich sowohl persönlich als auch in meinem beruflichen Kontext eine große Rolle. Deswegen probiere ich gerne neue Rezepte aus und teile hier mit euch meine Tipps für einen gesunden Lebensstil und leckeres nahrhaftes Frühstück.   Dabei ist es mir besonders wichtig einen klaren Überblick über verschiedene Ernährungsthemen zu geben und euch alltagstaugliche Tipps mit an die Hand zu geben.   Mein liebstes Verival Produkt: das Himbeer-Kakao Sport Porridge mit Haferkleie. Zu meinem Lieblingsprodukt

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